Curves or athletic?


Escorts come in many shapes and sizes, but you can be sure that whether they’re tall, slim, curvy, petite or busty, our escort girls here at 24hr Companions always pay great attention to keeping their bodies looking as perfect as possible and are always immaculately groomed.

Most men seem to have a particular body shape in mind when they’re choosing their escort companion. Maybe they prefer tall escorts because they’re very tall themselves, or perhaps they love the thought of a very slim escort or an extremely curvy escort. However, in our experience, some of the most popular escorts are the petite and the busty. Perhaps it’s because more petite escorts make men feel more masculine, and busty escorts appear more feminine.

Indeed, some of our more well-endowed escorts are always in demand from those men who can’t get enough of big breasts. Of course, there are many theories as to why men love big breasts, ranging from their earliest experience of suckling at the breast to the suggestion that men’s brains are organised in a certain way that makes them attracted to breasts in a sexual context, as this behaviour activates the ‘female bonding circuit’ making women more likely to get intimate. Whatever the explanation, many clients of escort agencies prefer escorts with large breasts, with this being their number one criterion, followed by whether she is a blonde or brunette escort.

On the other hand, more petite escorts are often chosen because they are seen as more vulnerable or submissive, making the client feel more masculine or dominant. Of course, perhaps some men prefer to choose an escort shorter than they are if they feel intimated by being seen by a taller woman. In addition, some very tall men love to meet with petite escorts as it enhances their feeling of superiority or masculinity.

Whether you prefer Busty escorts or petite escorts depends on your preferences. One is not necessarily better than the other. Every guard presented in our escort gallery has their strengths and their unique style of escort services. But you can be sure that when you are looking for escorts in London, whether you prefer short or busty, tall or slim, our agency has some of the best companions around.

Enhanced your curves


I’ve never been one to buy into any surgery to boost or decrease my assets. I’ve been fortunate to have naturally large breasts, a tiny waist, curvy hips and a pert round bottom without the need to go under the knife. I’m not opposed to the idea of a little nip ‘n’ tuck as gravity takes its toll in later life, but as a model and a fabulous 24-hour Companions, the men I date and previous modelling bigwigs believe in my natural lines.

I thankfully don’t need to make religious trips to the gym or follow the strictest of diets. It’s not my age or any miracle diet pills needed to keep my sexy escort body in shape. I am pretty disciplined and get to “work out” a lot with my clients, but I think it must just be significant genes.

The places and venues I am fortunate enough to visit are classy, expensive and lush. Still, occasionally, you may get another 24-hour London escort from a rival company arriving with a rich businessman or wealthy bachelor who has quite obviously been to the plastic factory many times. I’m all for dressing the part as your client wishes, and if that means showing off your best assets, then so be it, but when your assets are bought and uber round and synthetic, then that’s where I wrinkle up my lovely (real) nose and take pity on the ladies in question.

Don’t get me wrong, each to their own, but I am lucky enough to have natural cleavage and more than enough breast to spill over my tiny dresses for the more daring of clients. I’m not one of your cheap escorts. I know that if I am going to a fantastic Casino in Mayfair or a bar in Park Lane, I will get requests for more flesh on the show, but more often than not, it is classy yet very sexy all the way.

I’ve had many offers for certain types of work due to my natural figure. It’s all very flattering. I meet film producers, writers, photographers and agents, and I’ve always politely declined their kind offers of work. It’s nice, and though one would think that it would be fantastic money, I don’t need it. I do enough role play and dressing up to be whoever is necessary anyway.

And I do play a good page 3 girl. I’ll have you know…