Make your dreams come true


The yearning for pleasure is essential, but even more so is knowing where to access it… and, most importantly, where to access the ultimate manifestation of the luxury you crave.

Our 24/7 escort agency knows precisely what it takes to guide and glide your desire to the highest point of its realisation. It takes you into a wonderland with every touch and every kiss in an experience that lingers infinitely.

Desires stay aglow till they are satisfied; we know this at 24-hour Companions, and that’s why we provide you with overnight escorts that take time to listen to your innermost yearnings and then par with your most eclectic imaginations, giving you a sensual touch and salubrious, erotic massages, exploring your nights into tiny droplets of paradise and pure bliss.

Are you ever in search of escorts in London? Then, our agency has precisely the proper ladies to give you an image of undiluted pleasure, a scent of nirvana, and a touch of erotic massage that dissolves your stress and pressure into rampant bliss and happiness.

Your satisfaction is at the apex of our priorities, and we do whatever it takes to satisfy your desire, providing you with escort services that give you a full bloom of satisfaction, including erotic massage, GFE Dinner Dates, and stunning Travel 24-hour Companion Escorts. Our cheap escorts take you to fantastic lands of fabulous erotic experiences; with us, every nerve comes aglow, every desire gets gratified, and every dream comes alive.

Always have a backup story


Sometimes, the client will require a more extended meeting. Perhaps a dinner date followed by an overnight stay at a hotel and a quick trip to the breakfast table before goodbyes are made.

Sometimes, it’s a weekend away in some expensive spa hotel in an exotic location. In each of these cases, the client, of course, runs the risk of bumping into an acquaintance, a co-worker, a business partner or even a boss, and that’s why we recommend always having a credible story pre-prepared to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment

But a client may also contact us and specifically request a lady to accompany him to a social gathering, business event or work function, where he knows he will be seen in the company of a beautiful female stranger.

As a top London escort agency, we try our best only to engage socially adept escorts, as well as charming yet discreet in all possible situations; we can always find the proper lady for the job. That being said, there are some vital things to consider from your side before introducing a call girl to your boss, clients or business partner.

First of all, you should express to us right away that you do require a lady who will be your companion at a social gathering and who you expect to represent you in the best possible light so that we can narrow our candidate search down to those who would be ideal for such an event.

Then, you need to work out a credible back story beforehand for how you two know each other, and this story needs to consider the lady’s educational background and areas of personal knowledge.

Lastly, you must deal with the thoughts and actions of your co-workers, boss or business partners after the date. Are they likely to be jealous of your ability to have such a beautiful-looking lady on your arm at such short notice? Or if your backup story, which you presented at the meeting, does not involve you two being an item, what if they ask you for the girl’s number? While we would have no objection to you recommending our agency to your acquaintances, we don’t want you landing in hot water, even allowing for the fact that meeting an escort is no longer the social taboo it once was.

If you manage to keep in mind these points and navigate around the potential pitfalls, you, too, can take advantage of professional companions to help advance your career or win that business deal.

Think ahead


Have you ever noticed that our ladies mysteriously become even more challenging to book after the New Year? This is mainly due to the big banks in the City of London paying out their annual bonus at the start of the year, and those City boys love to compete with each other to arrange dates with the best escorts in London.

Great for the girls, maybe, but for the rest of you, gentlemen, it can be pretty damn annoying to be told that the lady you have had your eye on for ages is spending two weeks on a yacht in the Caribbean with some wealthy banker. By the time Spring has come along, however, this abnormally high demand starts to wane, giving you a chance to meet the finest companions.

The amount of ladies in London is also more significant in the springtime, as many have enjoyed the carnival back home and are now back in town, ready to meet you. Many other escort girls are students who need to be here at this time for their exams and would love to have a break from studying with you. Also, these months come before the high summer holiday season, when many get away for a few weeks in Ibiza or Mallorca. This is why spring is also suitable for supply, and not just demand, so you can be sure of meeting the girl of your dreams and share some spring fun with her.

Springtime in London is the perfect time to enjoy some of the most fun and exciting events of the year, all of which will be enhanced by the company of a beautiful lady by your side. For example, the week-long Chelsea Flower Show is held each year towards the end of May and is the perfect place to visit with one of our ladies since every woman loves flowers. Set on the grounds of the Royal Hospital in London’s fashionable Chelsea district, this is the ideal event for those who appreciate the beauty of nature, and a beautiful escort would be the perfect company.

Spring fever


Have you noticed how the evenings are gradually getting longer? Have you seen the flowers starting to bloom in parks and gardens? These are some tell-tale signs that spring is just around the corner.

Spring is our favourite season, a time of renewal and rebirth. We love to walk through the London Parks on a crisp spring morning and see the yellow daffodils start to sprout up. And it is certainly a nice change to finally make it back home from a tough day at the office without it still being pitch black outside.

If you share our joyful feeling of Spring and want to celebrate the end of the cold winter in the best style possible, we suggest booking a date with some of our escorts.

What better way to mark the turning of the seasons than by enjoying a date with a young, energetic and sexy female companion? Springtime is all about the start of new life and new experiences, so 24-hour Companions is ideally suited to new sexy adventures with a fresh-faced young woman. Imagine just how much more refreshed you will be after even just a couple of hours in the company of one of our 247 escorts!

As well as being a great way to celebrate the coming joys of spring, there are several other advantages to booking a romantic rendezvous with an escort in April.

Easter getaways


Easter season 2018 is here, with four days of freedom from the 9-5 slog. One quirky but fun idea is to have a romantic few days away from London in a charming rental cottage in one of the many quaint English villages.

We can help you with the lady, and in this article, we can even suggest some locations to find the perfect cottage for the best Easter 2018 getaway.

Since the roads around London can get clogged up this time of the year, they are named Home Counties, which encircle the capital. The charming Surrey hills are just a half hour’s drive from London and yet are home to some of the most idyllic and classic English villages, which feature some of the very best cottages you can imagine.

Hamlets such as Shere and Farley Green are pure picture-postcard slices of Tudor life, with white plaster and black timber houses and Norman churches dotting village greens. The majestic beauty of these villages will bowl over your escort lady, but if you want to make a big impression, how about you treat her to a weekend in Britain’s oldest continuously inhabited house?

Great Tangley Manor is located right on the edge of Surrey Hills, and since 1016, it has played host to the rich and powerful, including Queen Mary. This beautiful converted property combines period features such as walled gardens, a moat and the ubiquitous thatched roof with all mod cons, including indoor pool and hot tubs. We are sure you will agree this is the perfect place for a long weekend of romance and passion!

A little further from London, but still just 90 90-minute drive away, lies the beautiful South Coast of England, with its history, stunning views, sandy coves, pebble ridge beaches and Victorian seaside towns. The area is also home to some of the most charming and picturesque villages in the country, and these are trendy getaway destinations for Londoners seeking some peace.

Located not far from the tourist mecca of Brighton, the hilltop village of Rye in Sussex offers stunning views of Romney marshes. The town is also home to a collection of fascinating craft and antique shops, which are perfect for a shopping vacation, and cobbled lanes such as Mermaid Street are lined with medieval, half-timbered houses which are awe-inspiring in their beauty. Sands is the ideal place to catch some spring sun.

The area around Rye is home to many beautiful traditional cottages, which are just as perfect as a house in the village itself; Rye is sure to have the kind of holiday self-catering cottage you seek for your romantic rendezvous with an overnight escort.

If you have a bit more time and don’t mind travelling further afield, then Cornwall is the most charming and picturesque place of all for Easter fun. This beautiful peninsula in the southeast extremity of England is famous for its craggy coastline, vast expanses of golden sand and clear blue waters, and surrounding islands that offer excellent water sports opportunities.

Once you add in a multitude of English Heritage sites, as well as a prized UNESCO World Heritage Site, National Trust properties and stunning landscaped gardens, then Cornwall certainly seems to be a little corner of paradise. Home to holiday cottages, vibrant cafes, boutique shops and restaurants much loved by celebrities and royalty, Cornwall also has a surprisingly cosmopolitan atmosphere. Recently, it has become known as a rather chic place to hang out. St Ives is particularly stunning on a nice day, and here, you will find many utterly luxurious cottages sweeping a female 24-hour companion off her feet.

This Easter, why not get away from it all with one of our overnight escorts? All would love to accompany you on a trip away from the capital and spend the weekend with you.