Curves or athletic?


Escorts come in many shapes and sizes, but you can be sure that whether they’re tall, slim, curvy, petite or busty, our escort girls here at 24hr Companions always pay great attention to keeping their bodies looking as perfect as possible and are always immaculately groomed.

Most men seem to have a particular body shape in mind when they’re choosing their escort companion. Maybe they prefer tall escorts because they’re very tall themselves, or perhaps they love the thought of a very slim escort or an extremely curvy escort. However, in our experience, some of the most popular escorts are the petite and the busty. Perhaps it’s because more petite escorts make men feel more masculine, and busty escorts appear more feminine.

Indeed, some of our more well-endowed escorts are always in demand from those men who can’t get enough of big breasts. Of course, there are many theories as to why men love big breasts, ranging from their earliest experience of suckling at the breast to the suggestion that men’s brains are organised in a certain way that makes them attracted to breasts in a sexual context, as this behaviour activates the ‘female bonding circuit’ making women more likely to get intimate. Whatever the explanation, many clients of escort agencies prefer escorts with large breasts, with this being their number one criterion, followed by whether she is a blonde or brunette escort.

On the other hand, more petite escorts are often chosen because they are seen as more vulnerable or submissive, making the client feel more masculine or dominant. Of course, perhaps some men prefer to choose an escort shorter than they are if they feel intimated by being seen by a taller woman. In addition, some very tall men love to meet with petite escorts as it enhances their feeling of superiority or masculinity.

Whether you prefer Busty escorts or petite escorts depends on your preferences. One is not necessarily better than the other. Every guard presented in our escort gallery has their strengths and their unique style of escort services. But you can be sure that when you are looking for escorts in London, whether you prefer short or busty, tall or slim, our agency has some of the best companions around.

Your evening, your perfect companion


Most men fantasise about the ultimate model girlfriend – a head-turning, exquisite, jaw-dropping goddess of love that they can put on a pedal stool. You can guarantee that this beauty would not look out of place at any swanky elite affair. She may be brunette, blonde, British or European; 24hr Companions might have that dream girl you have been waiting for in a long while that will make all your fantasies come true. We truly have the most superb selection of gorgeous girls with fantastic personalities to match.

An elite escort is perfectly shaped for your taste, elegant and sensual. Our girls are very good at their careers and like to make our discerning clients happy and content. Our ladies can carry themselves with poise and are a wonder to behold. She is clever and articulate; women want to be her, and men want to be with her. Our London escorts are most privileged and lucky to work in London with charming gentlemen like you and are always in some of the most affluent areas of the capital.

Imagine treating your favourite lady to a candle-lit meal at a top-class restaurant before retiring together for the evening. Who could pick you both out from all the other couples enjoying their evening together? Nothing would distinguish you from their intimate world of ‘two’ – now that is a girlfriend experience worth trying.

With all that power, is it any wonder that an elite escort can offer that ultimate girlfriend experience when she spends time with her client? Sometimes, he may not even request being treated like a much-adored boyfriend; 24-hour Companiost naturally falls into the pattern of hand-holding and intimate conversation because our companions feel more comfortable and wish the experience the client pays for to be authentic.

Live a little


We understand that making small talk and asking a stranger if they are single can be an uncomfortable experience, leading to them eventually telling you they are busy or have a boyfriend. When you call us, there is no need for this as the girls are looking for precisely what you are, and you are guaranteed a fantastic evening together. So, if you’ve ever needed a gorgeous companion at short notice, look no further than our 24-hour Escorts. We have the best girls in London and at very competitive prices, too

When you consider booking an escort, the main point would be that you can spend the evening with a stunning companion who is sure to tick all the right boxes. Having a browse through our gallery will be the only difficult choice you will make, as all of our 247 escorts in London are undeniably beautiful. A reason for booking a 24-hour Companions lady is because they can offer you an ultimate girlfriend experience with no ties. We have girls who travel all over the world, so if you need your favourite escort in London to be in another country with you, then she can.

All our ladies will see you when you are free and will be with you for as long as you would like. We are based in central London, and you will have many options to choose from when it comes to your romantic evening with one of our elite ladies. There is a reason why London is classed as one of the best cities in the world, and you can experience everything it offers. You can experience cuisines from all over the globe, and what better to share these delicious menus than with one of our lovely ladies?

We have new and exciting girls joining us regularly, so if you are a bit of a connoisseur with finer ladies, we will always endeavour to have fresh girls on our books each week. Our girls work very hard to ensure they are everything you see on their profiles, always dressed immaculate with impeccable manners. Our receptionists pride themselves in being very customer-orientated and know our ladies very well, so they are best placed to judge which companion would be suited to your special evening.

Hiring a Male escort


Male escorts are roughly divided into two categories – escorts for women and companions for men. Male escorts tend to be hired by men much more than women. Many wealthy men like to hire male escorts because it makes life simpler for them. They aren’t looking for or don’t have time for a relationship, but of course, from time to time, they feel.

Men love the visual, too, and male escorts can be good-looking. They often work out so they have well-developed pectorals and biceps, chiselled jaws, good skin and a full head of hair.

One of our Male escorts regularly parades in his apartment wearing nothing but a pair of Speedos and a smile. Well, if you’ve got it, flaunt it, as the saying goes.

Then there are the male escorts who women hire. Often, wealthy women have the exact reasons for hiring an escort as men – they don’t have the time or inclination for a relationship. Many women like to hire male escorts for a date – they want to be accompanied to an event by a good-looking companion who will talk to them all night and pay them attention. If anything else happens, it’s a bonus…

Some male escorts say women are much more adept at spotting insincerity than men are. 24-hour Companions London escorts pride themselves on their sincerity. Of course, when you work as an escort, you do have to pay people compliments to make them relax, enjoy their experience and feel good about themselves. But we like to pick our compliments carefully, ensuring we mean what we say.

Our male escorts tell us that there is no point telling an overweight and not-very-attractive woman that she is lovely. An intelligent male escort focuses on something else – say, her beautiful eyes, her knowledge or her wit.

Draw dropping dates


In truth, how many gentlemen are lucky enough to be able to pay for an experience their fantasies are made of? Who can usually tailor-make their dream date with the perfect woman and boast about it afterwards? After all, we know that something like that will not stay secret for long. 24-hour Companion Escorts might be discreet in their services, but we don’t expect our clients not to tell all of their friends. After all, recommendations make a business thrive.

Our customers often report back that their chosen 24-hour Companions escort was terrific. She was beautiful and charming. When one of our clients returns from a date with one of our London ladies, he is usually mesmerised and a little bemused. He may not have believed that women like that existed even though he has just spent a few hours, a night or even a few days with the woman of his dreams. How on earth can a lady that he has paid for actually genuinely be as lovely as this??

Draw-dropping escorts are the envy of all their female counterparts. They arrive somewhere dressed to thrill and ready for anything. They exude confidence, command the attention of every male in the room and take no prisoners along the way. Whether blonde escorts, brunettes or a redhead, they will make you weak at the knees with lust and eagerness to tend to their every whim.

24hr Companions considers all of their London ladies to fall into this category. Just look at their gallery photos. Indeed, the girl who arrives for your date could not possibly be the one to arrive at your door – but she will be. Our photos are 100% genuine, and we pride ourselves on the best. So don’t miss out; call us today, and you could be with an elite London lovely in minutes.