Perfect requirements for you


24hr Companions is an exclusive 24-hour escort agency that prides itself on two things: the beauty of its elite escorts and the varied, yet discreet, services that can be offered to its clients.

Here at 24hr Companions, we know that a gentleman may have tastes and preferences he cannot share with just anyone. There is no need to explain his penchant for a tall, slim and leggy blonde or justify his yearning for an intellectual European Brunette. Every man is different, and there is a girl (or girls!) in our galleries who will fit his idea of a “dream date”. Our London escorts always have their client in mind, and they are sweet, sensual and intelligent companions.

A bespoke service is required to concoct the perfect 24-hour escort experience. This can be achieved in two ways: either by calling the agency directly and talking to our team of receptionists or by putting your ideas down in an email. Sometimes, it can be hard to vocalise your needs and wants, so taking the considered approach may be better for some. Remember, if you want a gentle GFE with a romantic dinner at a 5-star restaurant- or something a little more adventurous and need an open-minded escort – you need to ask. This is your time, to be specific.

Elite model escorts can also be booked abroad. International assignments are something 24-hour Companions London prides itself on. Some can be ready to go with 24 hours’ notice. Whether it is to Europe, America or elsewhere, browse our Escort galleries to find your ideal date.

So think about what you want from your bespoke escort experience, then click or call to make contact. We look forward to talking to you.

Non complicated fun


Maybe you’re staying for business but looking for a little adventurous fun. You could always venture out to a nightclub or bar for some female companionship, or you could hire one of our 24-hour escorts in London.

We know the latter would save a lot of hassle and, surprisingly enough, a lot of money, too. Our website contains many girls for you to choose from. No matter your mood, we’ve got a girl for you. Maybe you want some double trouble, so our duo escorts can help. Whether you want them for a few hours or an entire night, the choice is yours. Here at 24hr Companions London escort service, we go that extra step and tailor a meeting to your needs. We also happen to offer a fabulous selection of high-class models too. Our preference is varied because we know that everyone has different tastes. We even know a man may have a different flavour this week from last week.

Whether you want a night on the town, getting to know the bright lights of the big city or a passionate night in your hotel room, our girls are ready and waiting to serve. This brings us to our next consideration: would you prefer an in-call or our outcall? Some of our models are only available for outcalls, so that they won’t entertain clients at their place. Others, however, offer only in-calls at their home. Luckily, the vast majority is available for both, so it’s up to you to decide what you want.

Here at 24hr Companions, we know that although our beautiful ladies live and work in the city, they aren’t all London-born. We offer a mix of nationalities from Eastern European to French. Not only are our escorts exotic and stunning, but they’re also well-read individuals and, in some cases, bi-lingual. One thing is sure, though; they all have what it takes to please a man.

While some of our London escorts are only available during certain times, most are on hand any time, night or day. Even if you want them for a more extended period, depending on your requirements, we can arrange something suitable. This means that you’ll always have a vast selection of escorts to choose from. Our girls are trendy, so we advise you to book beforehand to avoid this.

It couldn’t be easier to book one of our delicious ladies, either. All you need to do is decide whom you’d like to meet and then give us a call. Our helpful receptionist will be on hand to answer any questions before booking the lady in question.

Have the steak


24-hour Companions makes sure that we offer clients only the best ladies that will get them to book our services again and again. Once you book our gorgeous ladies, you know she is all yours for the rest of the time, and she will care for your heartfelt desires most passionately. Today, the business that the t agencies operate worldwide is highly profitable and flourishing. This is because when it comes to services, they consider the requirements of their clients of utmost importance.

You will find many 24hr escort agencies in London, but are you sure they are the best? There are many aspects of enjoyment in life, but the one that you get to enjoy with your escort girlfriend is a different one.

24hr Companions ladies in London is one of a kind. She does not need any additional make-up to accentuate her beauty. She is naturally beautiful. Men go crazy over her assets. Going naughty and being playful with her is every man’s dream. Her charm and passion, when set on fire, will reveal the tigress in her!

When you book an escort, then you have some expectations from her. You will have seen her image in the gallery and booked an appointment afterwards. However, sometimes, it is much more than the looks and physical appearance we look for in an escort. The little introduction about the lady on our website may not always seem enough. As a result, we now give you the option of letting them know your demands, and they will send you the model that matches your expectations to the core.

Three’s company


24-hour Companions are an amiable lot, you know. What is meant by that is that although they enjoy the intimacy of a one-on-one encounter,r we’re also very favourably disposed towards couples.

Most of our ladies enjoy watching the interaction between couples and appreciate that they can bring an additional frisson to their relationship. Despite still being in love and ridiculously fond of each other, it’s understandable that a couple will get bored with one another’s ways after spending so much time in each other’s pockets, as it were.

So, any new experience with another individual can liven up that relationship dynamic. Our lady’s intervention doesn’t have to be long-term, either. Often, couples come and go on several occasions within a single month, and then we never hear from them again for another 12 months or so. It’s when they reappear that we know the boredom with one another has begun to set in yet again. It’s our girl’s job to remind them what they do for one another and look at ways they could interest each other.

Our ladies seem to be a couple’s counsellors, honest, although certainly, it’s a lot more exciting and fun – not to mention relaxing.

Couples massage is undoubtedly something London escorts are asked for a lot. Now, that’s a bit like teaching. Our escorts are experienced and know the spots to press and the areas of pleasure. They enjoy passing on this knowledge to clients keen to extol the virtues of massage to their other half.

Our ladies can show couples how best to present themselves to one another in ways that they have perhaps never considered before. Like many situations in life, sometimes all it takes is an independent arbitrator, for example, someone not emotionally involved, to see the problem as it is and to know without a doubt how a relationship can be improved and far more fulfilling for both parties.

By the hour or overnight


When you have booked a 24-hour Companions lady, you may wonder if you should come and spend an hour-long appointment, two, three or even overnight? As an all-night escort, the longer your work is, the better it all is for the lady financially. However, it’s also better for you as a client. Why?

Well, for a start, you won’t always be conscious of the clock ticking away furiously and signalling the loss of all those precious minutes you have together. You’ll also be able to relax a little (actually, a lot) more. Not only that, but sometimes it takes a little while for clients to warm up and get into the vibe. Most of our ladies enjoy a longer appointment as they can let themselves go and concentrate totally on the evening – or afternoon – ahead.

After a couple of hours together, the conversation gets more intimate as you unwind more in each other’s company. Also, who wants to rush a dinner date? In that direction, does indigestion lie? And anyway, at the rate you get served in some of London’s more popular restaurants these days, you are probably looking at a good couple of hours. And imagine having to rush away after all that lovely intimate wining and dining. Cinderella thought she had it wrong? Try being a 24hr escort who has only been booked for two hours!

Our ladies do like clients to feel relaxed and unfazed, and that just isn’t going to happen during a one-hour appointment. You should leave our lady’s apartment feeling chilled and blissful, not running downstairs with your shirt half on.

Not that our girls would kick out a client after one hour when they are still lying half-dressed, of course. But we would both feel awkward knowing we were ‘out of time’. You would feel guilty, and our girls would probably be conscious that they had another client to meet up with later that night and needed time to prepare for them.