Live for the moment


This is the motto that many of our ladies embrace: being open-minded to new experiences and people and not taking life too seriously. It is a common misconception that escorts are beauties without a brain, but the reality could not be more different for many of our escorts. These women are open-minded, fiercely intelligent and not afraid to show their faces in an industry where outdated stigma does more harm than empower its men and women.

Every day in London. If you ask the charming escorts themselves, they will be honest and tell you that enjoying the company of a beautiful staff without further obligations is every man’s fantasy and that booking cheap escorts is a pleasurable diversion from all the social conventions that bind people. What these modest models leave out, of course, is just how personable and spontaneous they are -they are indeed the primary source of fun!

Our clients at 24hr Companions book overnight escorts for different reasons and not just for the ones highlighted above. The reasons vary for each individual at various times, but we have found that the following holds for most clients.

Sometimes in life, spontaneity and being a little bit impulsive can be a good thing; we never know what’s around us, whether it be new opportunities or exciting experiences. It is admirable to plan everything to the letter. Thankfully, there are always unforeseeable events which throw us off course.

Moreover, many clients are beginning to see the attractions of booking. Many enjoy the thrill of meeting a beautiful stranger and being able to connect emotionally on a level unprecedented in their everyday life. Sometimes, the joy and excitement may be lacking in a client’s daily life. They may be overwhelmed by boring, overbearing bosses, looming deadlines and chronic stress from huge workloads. The feeling that life has fallen into a rut can cause depression, and an impulsive thrill may be the best short-term solution, even if it involves meeting a perfect stranger.

Fortunately, for these thrill-seeking clients, 24-hour Companions are always within reach to provide clients with the most beautiful and exciting companions in London. Long gone are the days when you needed to know people on the inside to access a lady of the night.

Timing is everything


There is always an ideal time to arrange to see one 24-hour escort. We are open around the clock, which aids flexibility in your schedule. We will look to accommodate you no matter what your plans are, providing you with your ideal choice of companion every time. Whatever time you choose, you will be guaranteed a femme fatale of your preference who will please you in every way imaginable. Our escorts are passionate, fun and above all, they always aim to please.

If you want to ensure your lady will be available at your preferred time, then it might be advisable to book in advance. This may not always be possible, but we have an online booking system that you may find more convenient. If requested, we will call you back at a convenient time to confirm your booking, but for your discretion, we never call unless you’ve asked us to do so.

Be assured, though, that even if your ideal lady is not available and you cannot book in advance, then you will always be given a ‘match’, and here at 24hr Companions, you can be confident that your ‘match’ will be almost the same if not better than your original choice. For example, if you’d like to see one of our cheap escorts in London and she’s not available at your preferred time, then we will give you a selection of other girls in that price range and a recommendation for you. 24-hour Companions will always make you feel welcome when you make your call to us, and we, in turn, will make your whole experience with us professional and extremely enjoyable.

Above all, have fun


If you are new to the escort world and are on this website and considering, look no further; you have found your perfect escort agency. Have you ever considered how nice it would be to make a booking with a low cost escort who you can visit in the comfort of your hotel room or the luxury of your own home? Wherever you live in London, there is a girl in every district. You can choose your preferred companion, or you could select more than one (if your budget and time allows!!)

Our 24hr Companions are very discreet, kind, considerate and want to make your experience the best possible. In return, our girls like to be treated like ladies; if you treat her right, you will have a mind-blowing experience you may not have experienced in a long time. Safety is also essential to our companions; they will call when they arrive and leave. Cleanliness is paramount to our girls, too; they will always be showered and fresh and use very safe techniques to please both of you and make you feel more at ease.

Booking is easy; the only difficulty is deciding the delight you want to have over for a few hours! Once you have chosen, she can be with you in as little as 30 minutes, depending on where you live. For safety reasons, if it is a private residence, we do ask for a private landline; this will be called once so we can confirm. Our 247 escorts will ask for taxi fare on top of their booking fee, so be prepared. London black cabs are pretty pricey, and we like our ladies to get all their prices and not have to pay travel expenses; being a gentleman like you, that shouldn’t be an issue.

Out-call ladies provide the perfect Girlfriend Experience (GFE) or a fun companion to share a fantasy with. Whether a candlelit dinner for two with champagne on ice or swinging from the chandeliers – we have the perfect girl for every taste and occasion. Our girls are very approachable with warm and friendly personalities, and we believe all our ladies are a joy to be with.

So, if you’ve come this far, why not give us a try? You won’t regret it for a moment; we are open 24 hours a day, so there will always be a perfect time for you…

Let us impress you


If you have an important corporate or social event coming up, 24-hour Companions will prove to be the best possible date. For such essential events, you would want to ensure that your companion is presentable, charming and sophisticated so you can make the right impression. Our escorts are always reliable because of their perfect etiquette, pleasant nature and friendly demeanour. You will enjoy a date with one of these elite young women. These gorgeous ladies know how to impress and are always charming companions.

24-hour Companion ladies are among the best in the world. These are trained, professional escorts who have extensive experience when it comes to fashion and trends. They know just how to dress, what kind of makeup to apply and present them in any social situation. They are always well groomed and, therefore, turn heads wherever they go. They are ideal dates for important social events and red-carpet parties for those who want to make a grand entrance experience. With their gorgeous looks and charming personalities, they can win the hearts of anyone with just a smile.

Every man is attracted to them since these women epitomise perfection and beauty. However, very few men have the opportunity to meet accurate models. Fortunately, many cheap escorts in the UK today offer companionship to men. These are trendy and sophisticated women who know how to present themselves in the best possible way. More affordable escorts are popular with men since they are still beautiful, elegant and confident. Spending time with one of these gorgeous ladies is a unique experience.

24-hour Companion ladies are great not just for social events but also whenever you want to enjoy the companionship of a beautiful woman. Arrange for a romantic dinner date with them, and you will be amazed at how enjoyable their company is. These are very refined and cultured women who are well-informed about various topics. Enjoy interesting conversations and get to know your date. 24-hour Companions are kind women who can make your dreams and fantasies come true. Very few men are lucky to enjoy a romantic date with these ladies.

When only the best will do


From professional actresses, beauty pageant winners, and models to executive women, top escorts are sought by VIP clients and celebrities who only want the best. Our higher-end escorts are a little different from our cheaper escorts in London. For one, they prefer quality bookings over volume, and their availability is more limited. Instead of limiting themselves to one country, many of our more expensive escorts travel internationally to meet clients, and their travel is always in style.

When people think about expensive escorts, they usually think of fun, beautiful and sophisticated model ladies entertaining clients in the best hotels or impressive penthouses.

In an industry where a stunning, sensual and skilled escort could be booked for £150 an hour, why do clients bother themselves with expensive escorts? One of the reasons is perception, and these ladies are perceived as more refined, classy, beautiful, accomplished, skilled and intelligent. Our top ladies can impress the business delegates with their language ability (often multi-lingual), tact, poise, knowledge of finance or current affairs, and charisma. In reality, they are natural-born diplomats with the social grace and intelligence to enthral. Another reason is presentation, and expensive escorts are always neatly dressed in beautiful attire. They are stylish, without being provocative, and always carry themselves like a lady.