Finding a good honest escort

When you’re looking for a 24-hour escort for the evening, how do you find your staff? Most clients will probably put ‘London escorts’ or some similar term into an internet search engine and wait to see what comes up. Of course, your search will return millions of entries, although you’ll probably choose an agency from the first page of results. But how do you know that simply choosing an agency will result in finding one that meets your needs and what you should be looking for in an escort agency?

The website should always clearly state the relationship between them and the girls on their pages. Does the agency employ the girls, or is the agency merely an intermediary who works on behalf of the girls to put them in touch with clients? If they are intermediaries, they’ll do everything involved with promoting the ladies and arranging the meetings. Still, once the session is underway, they’re not responsible for anything between the escorts and the client. All their staff are entirely independent and use the agency to find clients.

Most clients will have a list of criteria for choosing an agency. Top of the list will probably be the selection of escorts the site promotes – the more girls, the better – as it gives a much better chance of finding the girl of your dreams. Of course, it can also make choosing far more complex, that’s why it’s wise to select a 24-hour escort agency which makes it easy for you to find what you want. You’ll find that the best escort agencies have the facility to allow you to search their database of escorts to narrow down your search. Being able to search by area of London or by hair colour, for example, makes it much easier to find your perfect date if you’re in Earl’s Court and only want to meet with blonde escorts. It means you don’t have to scroll through all the girls, although we’re sure you’ll agree that unless you’re very short of time, browsing through the photographs is a delightful pastime for many clients.

And speaking of photographs, you’ve all seen photos of escorts, which are photoshopped and touched up. The girls don’t have a hair out of place, a roll of fat on their body or a single blemish on their skin. Of course, while some photoshopping usually takes place to make the photographs as attractive as possible, nobody wants to see those altered so drastically that you don’t recognise the escort when you meet her. Of course, that could be down to the fact that some disreputable agencies post photographs which are not of the girls on their books; they’re there to draw their clients in, with the women they send to the meetings bearing little or no resemblance to the girl you saw in the photograph.

One way to ensure that this doesn’t happen to you is to check the site for client reviews. Read what other clients have said about the girls. Clients will usually tell if they suspect that the photos aren’t genuine or if they’ve been touched up too much, so the most reputable London agencies will only ever use photographs of the actual escort they are promoting.

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