Perfectly proportioned


Some of our most requested escorts are our smaller-than-average, petite escorts. Time after time, they’ve proved that being small in stature doesn’t mean that they have less sex appeal but that good things do indeed come in small packages. Escorts have a fantastic selection of petite escorts, so if you prefer your women to be little or trims prefer your companion to be shorter than you, then they could be the perfect choice for you.

Dainty and diminutive, slight and delicate, there’s just something about our petite escorts in London which draws men to them. Maybe it’s because they make men feel more manly, maybe men feel the need to protect them, or perhaps it’s just that they see small women as being more feminine. Still, each client who books one of our petite escorts will have their particular reason for preferring them over the other London escort girls. One thing is sure: thirls that fall into our petite escorts category are becoming an increasingly popular choice with our clients.

However, just because an escort is classed as petite, it doesn’t mean that she’s not shapely or doesn’t have womanly curves. We’d go as far as to say that all our pint-sized escorts have superb figures. Some of them make equally excellent candidates for the busty escort category, while others are of a more slender build, which puts them firmly into the slim escort category.

One of 24hr companion regular clients, ‘John’, always books petite London escorts. He told us that the main reason is because he’s always preferred women who are small and dainty but who also have curvy figures. His absolute favourite escorts are those less than five feet three inches tall and no more than a size ten but with at leastCC-cup breasts. Luckily, we have a good selection of escorts who fit the bill perfectly, so John always has plenty of choice. Now, you may think that John is a petite guy himself, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He stands almost six feet tall and is well-built, but he loves the idea of being with a woman who is much smaller than himself, as it makes him feel more manly and protective.

So, if you want to experience the same feelings as John, why not choose one of our sexy petite escorts for your next date with one of our gorgeous 24-hour companions?

Taking advantage of our in-call ladies


Of course, while many men do book out-call escort services, many clients, given the option, do prefer to book in-call escort services. They like the anonymity of visiting the escort in her apartment rather than having them come to their hotel or home. Most of our escorts here at 24hr Companions offer in-calls, and we’re finding that this service is becoming increasingly popular. One reason is that all our in-call escort girls are in comfortable and well-appointed apartments, usually well-located near local tube stations or bus links. This means that they’re easy to find and they’re easy to access – a vital requirement for clients who may not have much spare time or who want to fit their meetings into an already busy schedule. After all, you don’t want to spend hours searching for the correct address.

If you’re thinking of booking an in-call escort in London, you might be wondering how to find the best companion for you. Take a quick look through our gallery, and you’ll see that we offer a superb selection of London escort girls. There are so many lovely girls we know that you’ll be utterly spoilt for choice and may even feel a little overwhelmed by the massive selection before you. However, your choice can be made much simpler if you take a little time to think about what you want before trawling the website looking for your favourite girl.

Firstly, unless you don’t mind travelling, it makes sense to book someone near to you. This makes getting there more accessible and, if you only want to book a 60-minute meeting, will ensure that you don’t spend longer getting to your appointment than the time you’ll spend with your escort. However, if you prefer to travel out of your normal area or don’t mind where your escort is based, location may not be the most critical factor, so that you can choose your escort from anywhere in the West London area.

For example, if you’re visiting London on business and staying in the Chelsea area, you may want to start your search with Chelsea escorts. This would bring up at least 20 choices of staff, including the lovely Kendra, who’s one of our top escorts and the delicious Anita, who’s available for in-calls in Sloane Avenue.

Once you’ve decided on the location, you may want to narrow your search even more. Do you prefer your women to have blonde hair, or do dark-haired women attract you more? Are you looking for slim escorts, or would you like to meet with one of our busty escorts? Is height an issue for you? Are you only looking for petite escorts under 5 feet 4 inches tall? For example, if you love the idea of a busty blonde, then Paula could be the perfect choice. Whatever your criteria, you can refine your search until you have an appropriate selection of in-call escorts. Your choice of staff is entirely up to you, and whether you choose her from looks or services provided, we’re sure that whichever of our 24-hour Companions you decide ultimately, you’ll have a lovely time in her company.

You’ll be hooked on our girls…


Our 24-hour Companions are a lot different to other escorts. They are highly educated and have learnt a lot of etiquette in their long career. Also, their friendliness and outspoken nature help them get going with men from the beginning. You will not be required to make an extra effort with your 24 hour escort. She will make things as light and easy for you as possible.

Gentlemen get to enjoy the pleasure of lovemaking like never before. Yes, it is good news for all men out there. She is all that you have been dreaming of all this while. Her assets make her an irresistible lust of every gentleman.
The days of convincing your girlfriend to get close to you under the sheets are gone. You now have a girl who will try to woo you her way to the bed. When you reach your favourite hotel, you can find your sexy, gorgeous,  pre-booked lady sitting on the couch invitingly. It must have crossed your mind at least once in your life.
An elite London escort is exceptional, and if you are lucky, you will get an appointment with her as she is booked a lot in advance. Every man in London and visiting London is looking for the company of a top escort. Escort agencies suggest that you secure their special companion quite a few days before you would like to date her, as they are in high demand.

However, once you meet the best, you will realise why people worldwide are ready to give up everything to spend a couple of hours in their company. We guarantee you will become smitten after just one date… These girls are addictive. There are many different ways to enjoy life, but enjoyment with an elite escort will be a mind-blowing experience.

How to end the week on a high


Every man working in some office looks up to Fridays and evenings when they can finally get time off from the office and kick start the weekend to rejuvenate themselves. So, Friday nights are party nights, and there is no better way to spice up your Friday night than by hiring an escort from us. You can visit the website, look at our gallery, and choose your staff from an array of beautiful girls available.

Wes is famous for having the highest level of client satisfaction and the best girls available 24 hours a day. They can cross all boundaries to ensure you get to party hard in your chosen ways. So select your escort wisely and get ready to be at your erotic best to party hard and make your Friday night worth remembering.

You can take along your escort to any of the happening parties in London or choose to book a hotel room for your private party. For parties with other guests, our escorts become the perfect arm candy with their stylish dressing sense, sexy body and elegant body language. People will surely envy you; having a beautiful party girl escort is the perfect way to enjoy the night.

For private parties, it is better to specify your requirements in advance so that these escorts can prepare well and take you on an erotic journey beyond your imagination.

So, hire an escort today to make your Friday night a rocking one!!

It’s all about you…


Today, there are many escort agencies in London, many on the Internet. The number of agencies today has grown tenfold. But which ones should you choose? People are looking for escort services more often than they used to before.

Not every gentleman receives excellent service; many are hurried and poorly treated. Others think they are booking the escort in the photograph, but in reality, it is an entirely different lady. Most gentlemen are too embarrassed to complain and put it down to experience and never want to book again.

Our escort agency is a little different. We have many satisfied customers, and they use our time repeatedly because they always receive exemplary service and wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else.

Our ladies are always kind, intelligent, young, beautiful and independent, whose presence can create magic in anyone’s life. When you meet them, you will be amazed by their amazingly friendly attitudes. It will seem that you have known each other for ages. A simple moment will turn out to be extraordinary in her company.

The city of London is lovely, and this beauty is reflected in our girls of London, too. When you book one of our ladies, you pick up a well-trained beauty in her profession. She is well aware of the job she has to perform, and client satisfaction is her primary focus. After your first meeting with your escort, you will be able to discover your happy soul and evolve as a much-contented individual on the whole.