Simply Beautiful


The beautiful London escorts from 24hr Companions are chosen for their poise, stunning looks and sensuality. The modelling knowledge and professional charm of these young women ensure complete client satisfaction and repeat bookings.

The slender curves and pretty faces of these stunning young women are rivalled only by their professional and discreet attitudes to their work. The contract between the client and escort is a special one with trust at the forefront. Your secrets are safe with 24-hour Companions.

For an international businessman looking for a companion to fill his days and nights or an English gentleman wanting a luxury service, elite escorts offer the best. Some international escorts employed by these clients have been known to reside more than 50% of their time in their favourite cities. Others have come over from Europe and America to stay in London permanently, taking residence in some of the most abundant districts in the city. Their Mayfair and Belgravia apartments whisper the secrets of passion and fantasy.

To book a beautiful London escort, call us 24hrs of a day and tell us what you want from a date you will never forget.

The more the merrier


Couple escort appointments have become increasingly famous as more and more couples seek new ways to spice things up. The traditional threesomes have fallen out of favour somewhat as they tend to instil feelings of insecurity and jealousy, especially when they involve a third party that the couple already know. In a couple’s escort appointment, there seems to be none of these problems because the escort is entirely unknown to the couple personally. After the sexy affair, the couple need to have no further dealings.

We have the most outstanding selection of the most elite and enchanting ladies in London. You can rest assured that the ladies you in allergies are discreet, intelligent and socially confident. They seek nothing more than to provide pleasure and have no interest in furthering any relationship with their clients. This is, perhaps, why so many couples turn to us to enhance their private lives, as we are trustworthy and reliable.

24-hour Companions cater for almost every taste and desire. Duo escorts are more geared towards single guys who would like to enjoy the pleasures of the attention of two stunning women, with themselves being the main focus of attention. Couple appointments tend to be the female partner of the couple who gets all the attention from the escort, with the gentleman enjoying his partner’s pleasure from another woman.

When the couple’s appointment is booked, the companion knows that usually, the gentleman will enjoy more of a watching scenario with his partner, receiving all the physical attention from the escort. Most men find it highly erotic to watch their partner with another woman, whereas this tends not to be the case if it is the other way around. Our ladies understand this, and as they aim to ensure that the couple enjoy their time, they have no problems with that. Usually, the couple will enjoy each other at the height of their desire with the escort’s general encouragement, and after the appointment, no further contact is made, and the couple can go on with their daily lives uninterrupted by emotions and insecurities.

Be yourself…


As this is a luxury service you have paid for, it’s essential to discuss yourself. Our beautiful London ladies want to hear about you, what you do for a living, your likes and dislikes and anything you want to tell them. Keep calm once you have eased yourself into the process and are comfortable with your companion. It can be pretty easy to panic and wonder whether your business will become known to everybody else. We assure you that our client’s privacy is one of our biggest priorities, as we want you to enjoy your experience and not have any hidden worries.

Another essential thing to remember is that, just like you’d date any other woman, our ladies deserve respect. Don’t just jump into it; make sure you get to know her because, just like you, she will probably be feeling apprehensive. Our girls are also looking for companionship and friendship, so we are very interested in everything you say. This idea of respect also extends to how you present yourself, so make sure you are well-groomed and smell delicious.

When seeking the service from London escorts for the first time, you may experience excitement and nervousness. It’s all completely natural, and we promise you that every person feels like that. Pink has a great deal of experience and a vast array of clients; we want to assure you that there’s nothing to worry about and that you’ll enjoy your experience more if you relax and take everything in. Before thinking about what’s coming, you must concentrate on the here and now. Our Ladies are nothing but friendly, wanting to provide you the best service and companionship. Therefore, they are happy to ease you into the process slowly. This will involve getting to know your chosen model, just like you’d get to know any other person after meeting them for the first time.

So remember to be calm, cool, collected and clean. These are the main things to remember when using our seductive ladies for the first time. If you think this intrigues you can look at our gallery of lovely girls and take your pick. You are only a phone call away from a magical experience. Could you call us now?

Clever Catherine


International escorts do not come much finer than the smouldering presence of Catherine. Available for travel, incalls and outcalls, Catherine is frequently booked by London gentlemen who want a true professional to accompany them on a business trip.

With a business head but a body for pleasure, Catherine is a tempting sight indeed. Her brunette locks tumble down her back and beg to be swept over to reveal her creamy, white skin. She has curves you will want to slide your hand over and a bottom worth a second look. Catherine is truly a fantasy girl that could become a delicious reality.

She is no stranger to the sights and sounds of the continent’s busiest capital cities. She tells us she loves Paris, Malan and Rome for their excellent food, ambience and passion – which match her personality right down to the ground. The way to Catherine’s heart is to wine and dine her and then stroll through the back streets together to appreciate the architecture and romance of your destination. She will happily fill you in on some historical details you might not have known and surprise you with some sexy pieces of her own…

To book Catherine, like our other international escorts, call us, give 24 hours’ notice and check availability beforehand.

The Origin of Stockings


Historically, even though the word sock is at least as ancient in origin, what men typically wore were often referred to as tights, probably mainly when referring to the longer hose at times when they were the fashion for men. The word was used to refer to the bottom “stump” part of the body. By analogy, the term was used to refer to the one-piece covering of the lower trunk and limbs of the 15th century—essentially tights consisting of the upper stocks (later to be worn separately as knee breeches) and nether supplies (later to be worn independently as stockings).

Before the 1590s, stockings were made of woven cloth. The first knitting machines were for making stockings. The socks themselves were made of cotton, linen, wool or silk. Polished cotton called lisle was standard, as were those made in Balbriggan.

Before the 1920s, women’s stockings, if worn, were worn for warmth. In the 1920s, as women’s dresses’ hemlines rose, they wore socks to cover their exposed legs. These stockings were sheer, first made of silk or rayon (then known as “artificial silk”), and after 1940 of nylon. The first pantyhose appeared in the 1940s and 1950s, when film and theatre productions had stockings sewn to the briefs of actresses and dancers, according to actress-dancer Ann Miller and seen in popular films such as Daddy Long Legs. Today, socks are commonly made using knitted wool, silk, cotton or nylon. The introduction of pantyhose in 1959 provided a convenient alternative to stocks, and the use of socks declined dramatically. U.S. sales of stockings exceeded stockings for the first time and have remained this way ever since. BegIn87, sales of the hose with a suspender belt started slightly declining due to the newly invented hold-ups, but it remained a sold sock.

So, if you have a fetish for stockings, look no further than 24-hour Companions, where all our fine young ladies will honour your wishes by wearing only the finest socks for your eyes.