The ‘feel good’ factor…


All of our elite ladies are specifically designed to accommodate the needs of your occasion. High standards of beauty, intelligence and charm ensure that you always encounter the quality you expect in a woman when you are with your 24-hour Companion escort. This will ensure that you have the most pleasurable experience and release that happy hormone inside that cannot be bought. Our ladies are high class, and we dare you to give us a call to see what we are all about. You have everything to gain; your integrity is second to none.

At 24hr Companions, we think we have the perfect ladies that will make you get up and dance, the kind of girls that will make you happy!!! Everybody needs happiness. Attachment provides us with security and comfort; we get these feelings from being close to someone else, but what if you haven’t got that intimate companionship that we all need and desire? Closeness provides a sense of certainty and safety. You may not feel all these emotions with material things, and if an intimate relationship is not on the horizon, then our 24-hour escorts in London may be the perfect choice for you.

We have certain extraordinary ladies who have that ‘something’ about them who understand what you need for that particular time you see her. We often underestimate the power of touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which can turn a life around. You will get through to the other side, but don’t be afraid of a bit of help. You may think that this would be the last thing that you would ever dream of, but believe us, we know a lot about how the human mind works. Close female human contact is significant to that same feeling from male friends. You need that feminine touch and care that our ladies can give to you. Our ladies are good listeners; you may want a walk in the park, or you may want her to do all the talking; the choice is yours.

Of course, we are not a ‘free’ agency, and you must pay for our lady’s time. Our city escorts are not just there for the financial side of things, though; they relish that their clients enjoy their company, and that’s where they get their job satisfaction. Ask about our compassionate ladies, and we will point you in the right direction. We are a caring and considerate agency and want you to feel relaxed.

Feel warm whatever the weather…


Why not start the week on a high and spend quality time with a beautiful London escort? With many of our girls available for in-calls throughout central London, make the most of your lunch break and get your teeth into something extra tasty! Our females are stunning, friendly, sexy and, above all, fun. We have a variety of beautiful young ladies available around the clock, so our clients always have an excellent choice of sexy companions to choose from at all times. Why not take a look at the gallery of girls on our website and browse by category?

One minute, we’re enjoying the mild weather and bright blue skies, and the next, the heavens open, the temperature drops and the winter coats come – that’s the English weather for you. You may not be escaping the chilly temperatures we are currently experiencing, but enjoying the company of one of our best escorts is a much better way to ensure you’ll feel warm and content.

We are very picky when selecting the girls for our agency. This means that we only ever employ the prettiest and most personable girls. We must upkeep our reputation, giving our loyal customers the enjoyable experience that they deserve. As we have a large selection of regular clients, employing new escort girls means we can ensure that our valued customers will never get bored. With new and exciting options always available to clients looking to book an escort girl, we like to keep things fresh and exciting how you would expect them to be!

How to be her favourite client…


They’re super sexy, irresistible, and downright shameless, but that’s precisely why you love them. They have carefree, spontaneous attitudes that will take you on a whirlwind of adventure from the second you meet to the second you leave. Every minute you spend with the ladies we represent here at our London escort agency is a moment you’ll never forget. Still, there is a way to make it even more intense and ule and make our London escorts want you right back. What better feeling than when a stunning woman is eager, keen and hot with desire for you?

Breathless, red-cheeked and holding eye contact for just that second longer than regular, all points to one thing: she wants you. The anticipation, the nerves, and the excitement will all drive you wild with desire, but what most people don’t seem to realise is that an escort’s mood is often just a mirror of their own. If you’re feeling euphoric and excited, so will she, but if you’re feeling dull and down in the dumps, unfortunately, she will too and who wants that?

You might have paid for her company, but that doesn’t mean she’ll enjoy yours if it isn’t lighting up the room. Let’s face it: if the person you’re meeting isn’t presentable and in high spirits, why would you want to be there? It’s so easy to change that. With just a few simple gestures on your part, you could have any of our high-class London escorts dying to be close to you, hanging on to your every word and not just because you’ve paid for her to be there but because she wants you. So, how do you make an escort want you with a passion you’ve never seen before? Well, you’ll be pleased to know it’s pretty simple and takes minimal effort.

For some clients, a shower, deodorant and brushing their teeth are everyday essentials, but believe it or not, some men don’t. Likewise, when it comes to persona, arrogance and a rude attitude will get you nowhere. It’s a simplistic yet effective method for clients to make themselves more presentable. Freshly showered, smelling incredibly and dressed well, with a smile on the face will make all the difference, as will manners and a sunny spirit. Keep yourselves in line with these simple guidelines, and you’ll have any of our 24-hour Companions falling at your feet.

A happy escort equals a satisfied client, but not so. If you’d like the best experience possible, then all you need to do is make a few simple gestures. You’ll be the lucky recipient of a very appreciative London escort. Prepare for fun and frolics to ensue, and above all, make sure you have the best experience possible. Remember, the more our ladies want you, the more they’ll be desperate to impress and show you a great time.

All weather shoes


What a miserable and wet day here in Mayfair, far from yesterday. The sun was shining and beautiful, but we were in England, I suppose. I did think about taking a trip down to Oxford Street to see my sister,r but the size of the raindrops falling into the puddles convinced me that staying indoors was a better option,

And what a good job too! I received an in-call from Marcus at 11.30 a.m. asking if I was at home as he desperately needed to see me, and I was all too eager to a) have the company and b, know his fetish for women’s shoes, have he come over and help me. Maybe he could persuade me to keep some and donate others to my auction. By the way, I’ve decided to do that on the last Friday of the month – the 27th – to allow for payday and credit card payments.

Marcus hot-footed over to me from Bayswater in a taxi. As he shook out his umbrella, he complained that the stormy weather was playing havoc with his bike riding. “I just don’t trust these London motorists”, he said as he bounded up the stairs to my apartment. “They’re absolute maniacs!” I tutted my sympathy, handed him a mug of my finest coffee and pointed him toward the cupboard.

Honestly, you’d have thought all Marcus’s birthdays had come at once. He dropped to his knees and fell upon the boxes of heels, boots and pumps like a man dying of thirst on the banks of an oasis in the desert. I hardly got a word out of him for ten solid minutes.

Between us, we caressed and licked (Marcus), sorted and stacked (me) the contents of my shoe cupboard in readiness for the auction. We managed to weed out the ones I wear from the ones I definitely would never again, and I let Marcus keep a couple of pairs for the odd lonely night. In return, he told me to grab my coat as it was past lunchtime, and he wanted to treat me to “something delicious” from a celebrity restaurant. Armed with my Burberry Mac and designer umbrella, how could I possibly refuse? I’m a very lucky escort 😉

Who says romance is dead?


I will enjoy afternoon tea at the Ritz with Stefan, a French businessman who delights in all the finest things in life. He has requested the pleasure of a demure, sweet escort lady for some company over tea and sandwiches and then back to his luxury suite in South Kensington.

Stefan is a very high-class man who expects class and expensive taste. He is on business for three days in London, and we have enjoyed a few dates precious to today’s encounter. He always books mid-afternoon, which is his “me-time” as many of his conferences are in the evening, and they are all business, so I cannot join him and impress and wow his colleagues. He is a very private man and feels perhaps, with a close-knit set of co-workers, they would know he is hiring his date, albeit a lovely and professional.

So this morning, I will be coiffing, waxing and plucking to perfection and choosing my most beautiful designer threads for our midday soiree. I chose a fantastic mix of Chanel and Donna Karan with my La Perla underwear, Givenchy scent and London charm.

I enjoy playing the sweet lunch partner who bats her eyelids and nods agreeably while Stefan sets the world to rights. He wants attention and no element of a power struggle because he is the man, and I am the perfect woman. The only advice I offer is that of any places in London that he may want to entertain clients at a classy restaurant in Chelsea or a Casino in Mayfair. I advise only the best, of course, because if his associates are impressed by my recommendations, it may result in a new pair of Jimmy’s for me!

Stefan is the perfect gentleman, and even back at his hotel suite, he treats me like a lady, and I, in turn, treat him like a man. It is all significantly “Gone with the Wind” romantic.
I think he enjoys the comfort and closeness of a more loving relationship for those few hours. Traditional and polite is a concept that a very busy and successful businessman lacks. I, being the fabulous London escort that I am, can certainly inject some intimacy into his time off.

I have a lot of clients like Stefan who ask specifically for the girlfriend experience and just a few hours of feeling like they are in a relationship. I guess it’s what all busy professionals need to give them some “me time”.