Some helpful tips for first timers


When seeking the service of London escorts for the first time, you may experience many emotions, from excitement to nervousness. It’s all completely natural, and we promise you that every person feels like that. 24-hour Companions have a great deal of experience and a vast array of clients; we want to assure you that there’s nothing to worry about and that you’ll enjoy your experience more if you relax and take everything in. Before thinking about coming, you must concentrate on the here and now. Our 24-hour Companions Ladies are nothing but friendly, wanting to provide the very best service and companionship for you. Therefore, they are happy to ease you into the process slowly. This will involve getting to know your chosen model, just like you’d get to know any other person after meeting them for the first time.

As this is a luxury service you have paid for, it’s essential to talk about yourself as well. Our beautiful 24-hour Companions ladies want to hear about you, what you do for a living, your likes and dislikes and anything you want to tell them. Doing this will make you feel at ease with our girls, enhancing the pleasure you experience throughout this unique and fantastic experience. Once you have eased yourself into the process and are comfortable with your companion, keep calm. It can be pretty easy to panic and wonder whether your business will become known to everybody else.

We assure you that our client’s privacy is one of our biggest priorities, as we want you to enjoy your experience and not have any hidden worries. Another essential thing to remember is that, just like you’d date any other woman, our ladies deserve respect, too. Don’t just jump into it; make sure you get to know her because, just like you, she will probably be feeling apprehensive. Our 24-hour Companion ladies are looking for companionship and friendship also, so they are very interested in everything you have to say. This idea of respect also extends to how you present yourself, so ensure you are well-groomed.

So remember to be calm, collected and clean. These are the main things to remember when using our seductive ladies for the first time. If this intrigues you, look at our gallery of lovely females and take your pick. You are only a phone call away from a truly magical experience…

Time to spare


There is so much to do in central London, but if this is your first visit and you have some spare time to explore our beautiful city, you can do so in the company of one of our elite companions in London. They will accompany you around Central London, taking in all the sights and attractions; however, we guess the biggest draw is the lady herself, and you won’t want to be too far away from your room for long. Contact 24-hour Companions today, and we will set the date of your dreams up for you.

There are many hotels in Central London, which are establishments where many of our customers stay when they visit. A dinner date appointment is perfect as they have a suitable companion to dine within public and then have the opportunity to get to know her better in private after a meal. If you do happen to be staying in one of the top London hotels, their restaurants are ideal to dine in as you do not need to waste any time of your date travelling to another location. You can finish your meal and head off to your room together for a nightcap without any questions asked.

Whilst there are no actual geographical boundaries for Central London, it is taken to be the areas within the  1 of the underground system. In this instance, it does cover many different locations, although most of our ladies are located in this area for in-calls if this is your preference. We find that it works much better for our clients if they can access our ladies just by using the tube or road systems, and all our girls live near stations so that their gentlemen companions do not have to travel too far once they descend from their train.

Most of our fantastic lovelies are from countries other than the UK. We have found that our gentlemen companions gravitate towards these girls because of their personalities, warmth and outlook on life. Their different cultures make them exciting and alluring, especially our Latin ladies, who are passionate and demonstrative and utterly different from everything an English gentleman is used to!! We also have many clients who are international businessmen. For these gents, spending time with a lady from their own country who speaks the same language and is also a classy London escort is perfect. Our overnight escorts are the most graceful, elegant and sophisticated companions anywhere in the city, not just in Central London. They are ideal companions for social occasions and are comfortable mingling with the highest echelons of society. They are discreet and demure but radiate warmth and genuine charm and will be the perfect foil for you at any up-and-coming event.

New faces


This week, beautiful blonde Shakira is with us, and another new stunning brunette has joined our ranks, too! How about that for a great start to the week? Just look at Summers and Ester’s gallery to see what we mean by stunning news; these vibrant and sexy young models are just what you need for an evening of fun and glamorous partying.

The new week at 24hr Companions Escorts is always an exciting time for us because new clients are coming into town, and new girls are being recruited for our selective and elite agency. Sometimes, our most popular escorts are touring London again, and that’s reason enough to rejoice!

Fun, exotic and sensual Notting Hill Gate escort Shakira can have any man crave, with her sparkling personality and enthusiasm genuinely delightful.

If you are looking for a friendly and versatile young model to enjoy the sights and sounds of London, then Summer comes highly recommended.

At 24hr Companions Escorts, every one of our elite models has been chosen for their joyful personality, finesse and ability to intuit your needs, so it is no surprise to know that playful Shakira is lovely and adaptable to your requirements. This spontaneous and exciting sexy Paddington escort can also duo with Catherine and June, so what are you waiting for?

A grown-up affair


Remember your first ‘youth holiday’ with your mates? This is usually around the 17/18 years mark and will often be described as one of the best times of any guy’s life. It is usually the first time that you and a group of your good mates have gone away together, away from the parents and teachers that hover around at home; it is the first real opportunity to let our hair down, drink loads (often way too much), stare at girls (whilst trying to pluck up the courage actually to talk to them) and just really let loose.

If you are stuck whilst trying to plan your summer holiday, do not be disheartened if you’re mates aren’t up for a guy’s holiday and you are not seeing anyone that you’d want to go away with, going away with one of our 24-hour Companion ladies would be just as funny. We want you to experience the ‘next chapter’ of your life and have a ’grown up’ affair. We don’t think there is one guy on this planet who doesn’t enjoy spending time with a sexy female; add to this the fact that our escorts in London are some of the most fun and adventurous girls that you will ever meet and you have yourself the perfect partner to take away with you.

From what you guys can remember of your first youthful holiday, it was the best week any of you had ever had, and of course, I bet you vowed that you would go on this kind of holiday once every year. At that stage in your life, you believed you would be pretty happy to go on this holiday forever, whether you were married with a couple of children or old with a bad back. I bet you were convinced there would never be any better holiday than that kind of holiday.

Sometimes change is good, we all have to accept growing up and getting too old to do certain things (like a skinny dip in the ocean without a care in the world) but getting a bit older doesn’t have to be boring, give one of a call. She can explain how much fun going away with her will be.

Romantic dates


Women nowadays really appreciate a man who shows them a little romance, not that they didn’t in the past. Still, with everything in this big city moving at such a fast-paced rate, sometimes the romantic part of having a relationship seems to slip away or be overlooked.

24-hr Companion ladies enjoy doing a multitude of different activities. If you happen to be a person who enjoys classical music and opera, you are in luck because our ladies love a bit of culture. Your options for finding opera and music venues are endless in London. One of the most well-known and popular places to go and see an event is the Royal Albert Hall, located in the North part of South Kensington. There you will find everything from classical music concerts, ballets, opera and others. The Royal Opera House is very popular as well. It originally was just one theatre, but over the years, it has been re-modelled numerous times and now offers three different ones. If you plan on taking one of our London escorts to an event at one of these places, it is best if you pre-arrange the booking with one of our girls and make them aware of your plans so the girl can adequately prepare and dress accordingly for the event that you are to attend.

Everyone always seems to be so busy running here, running there, doing this and doing that. Not all guys necessarily like romance, but if you are one of those people who like a little romance in your life, if you do not happen to have anyone to share it with, you can spend some time with a lovely woman from 24-hour Companions.

If you prefer to have a quieter and more romantic time with your companion, you could book an incall and visit her and bring along some good food, wine or champagne to enjoy amongst yourselves. You could have a romantic candle-lit dinner for two in the comfort of her home.