Our ladies do a great job!


Girls often come to London specifically to become escorts, and with such a high demand for escorts these days, it presents an ideal opportunity. London is world-renowned for its cosmopolitan selection of the best escorts available 24 hours a day, ranging from South Americans to Eastern Europeans; everybody is catered for in London, which is particularly apparent in our gallery page, where you will find a highly diverse range of girls.

We are very passionate about the escort industry, and hearing it being ultimately dismissed as ‘derogatory’ and ‘exploiting’ was too much; we are obliged to step in and defend the industry. To make such statements is very narrow-minded and judgemental; as a veteran of the industry, we can categorically say that is not the case. This industry allows attractive young girls to experience a different side to life: fast cars, designer clothes and luxury hotels.

In our opinion, as impartial as it could be, we support any male who decides to use escorts; it is a service to satisfy men at the end of the day, much the same way a beauty salon or spa serves women so well.

In general, men are known to work harder to provide and, therefore, often find themselves tired; by the time they get home, all they want to do is relax and let off some steam, but the kids running around don’t make this possible. By the time he finally jumps into bed at the night’s end, neither he nor his wife are too keen on getting down to it. We are a firm believer in this due to the sheer amount of in-call appointments we receive during the day; the male often wants a quick relief during his lunch hour or straight from work.

Our 224-hourCompanions are in such high demand now, and whilst males are making bookings the most significant market, there has been a recent influx in women booking on behalf of their men to give them a little different treat. Sometimes, the female even wishes to join their partner, which many of our overnight escorts cater for; whether it’s for a wild experience or to pick up a few techniques, we have never had a couple leave unsatisfied.

Companions can be good for your relationship


Some men would never cheat, and some women will cheat at any opportunity; humankind is complicated, but leaving aside the exceptions and the profoundly faithful, what do you think the most adult option is for a woman faced with the prospect of her other half (who is otherwise a great match) ‘cheating’ by visiting escorts?

He made a commitment, and if he doesn’t stick to it, he can either leave, or I won’t let him go, but it will make his life hell forever.

If he cheats, he will destroy me because I am the woman in his life; he should only be attracted to me, and his desires and fantasies should align with mine. I would never allow a man to make me do things which are unnatural and perverted, and if this is the type of thing that turns him on, and I don’t know him at all, our entire relationship is a lie.

A man who chooses to see escorts autofill unmet needs and fantasies makes a distinct point about his fidelity and commitment to his relationship. By spending time with professional companions, he unconsciously chooses to avoid risking his family life by getting involved with a woman whose needs may escalate to the point where she threatens the stability of his relationship. Men go outside the confines of a relationship for various reasons besides being inherently dissatisfied with it and happy with their relationship. Very often, he has fantasies which his other half is unwilling to fulfil, or he craves variety.

Strictly speaking, you can define this as ‘cheating’, but if you are willing to look at it from a broader perspective, you may find that a man sees professional companionship to satisfy desires outside of the marriage without putting it at risk. It is undoubtedly a far better option than a man who is miserable because his needs aren’t being met or an affair which may destroy a marriage.

High Standards


Here at 24hr Companions, we have lots of beautiful girls and the latest lot of lovelies who have joined our books are already getting snapped up fast for sexy spring getaways and romantic dates with clients.

We only work with the best and most attractive women, and we also make sure our girls are articulate, intelligent, friendly, bubbly and able to deal with all kinds of social situations. Beauty is all very well, but friendliness is an absolute requirement, and we also like our ladies to be sweet and cute.

Ruth, our lady in red, is a mere 23 and as beautiful as they come. She adores finding out about the city of London and all that it offers, so if you too want to explore London and are after a fascinating and fun companion for your explorations, Ruth can help out.

Hot blondes are always very popular, so we’re delighted to introduce you to the lovely high-class and model escort Rowen. Rowen is delightful, and she has a great sense of open-mindedness. You can book Rowen for couple/duo fun, and she’s simply stunning.

If we choose to feature a blonde, we naturally feature a brunette beauty, as many clients favour the raven-haired lady, too. Danielle’s gorgeous dark hair hangs down to her waist and contrasts beautifully with her green eyes. She’s one of our escorts in Baker Street and is available for both incall and outcall services, and she always aims to please.

23-year-old Hayley has the most fantastic figure – a high, round bottom and the most beautiful breasts; we are sure you will agree. She is a bright and bubbly lady, and we think she offers fantastic fun and excitement. Your afternoon or evening will be hours well spent if you decide you would like to see Hayley.

And finally, there is 23-year-old Jolene, who takes curves to another level. Here is a lady who embodies the pleasures of the flesh, that is for sure – and all with a cheeky smile.
We have just focused on a few of our new girls, so why not check all of them out today?

Lonely housewives


A specific website claims you can have an affair with a lonely homemaker! We are sure you know what this site is called, but we want to clear up any myths and tell you why our overnight escorts are a better bet than lonely wives.

For starters, 24hr Companions is the best escort 247 agency in London! We have a collection of gorgeous girls who like meeting new people, and we want our clients to have a perfect time. Our companions are friendly and bubbly and can fit into any situation.

We are very discreet. Unlike the website that makes that claim, we treat our clients’ details respectfully. Privacy and discretion are guaranteed.

We don’t come with baggage.

Have you seen our gallery? Our girls are slim, beautiful and super sexy. If you have a 24-hour Companion on your arm, you will undoubtedly turn heads.

Affairs can have consequences. That’s not to say that meeting up with an escort won’t adversely affect your marriage or partnership (though some partners and spouses are open-minded about it). Still, an affair can be damaging to a relationship.

It doesn’t matter what the requirement is. If you need a date to accompany you to a business event, a family gathering, a party, or a night on the town, we can help, providing you with the perfect companion.

We’re in your area – unlike lonely wives. 24-hour escorts can cover the whole of London. What are your chances of finding lonely wives wanting adulterous affairs in every part of the city?!

We won’t end up phoning your wife to tell her about our meet-up. Remember – we’re a professional service, so discretion is a must. Date a lonely wife and risk that she might get too emotionally attached and feel that she has a right to you all to herself.

And finally… an escort’s job is to find out your wishes and your desires and to make them come true. This is why 24-hour Companions is, and always will be, better than lonely wives.

Our ladies are no fools


We love the beginning of April not just because it’s the mid-spring but also because April Fool Day makes us smile and laugh. When in Britain, we all look forward to spoof newspaper headlines and hoax news reports.

Did you know that April 1st is also popular around the world? Since our 24-hour Companions are International, it might be fun to tell you about how April Fools’ Day is celebrated in some of the countries our girls come from. Read on to find out the surprising history of the most amusing day of the year.

April Fools’ Day began life in medieval France. Until the middle of the 16th century, each calendar year, they started on April 1st. However, when King Charles I of France announced that the year would begin on January 1st, many people refused to comply. Supporters of the king then began to play pranks on those who continued to celebrate 1st April. Since the day occurred during Lent when fish was preferred over meat, the jokes often involved fake fish, and this tradition still holds today. The French still honour the tradition of Poisson d’Avril, where pranksters tape a paper fish to the backs of unsuspecting victims, who then become known as the April Fish.

Many of our escorts are Brazilian, and these girls also celebrate April Fools’ Day, or o dia das mentiras, which means the day of lies. These Latin folk love fun and games, and this day is the day to play pranks. Like in the UK, newspapers run spoof stories that no one takes too seriously. A satirical publication called a mentiras became famous in 19th century Brazil for publishing articles such as this, including a story about the death of Emperor Pedro. After facing financial difficulties, it published a final edition stating the address where creditors could get their money back. Naturally, this address was also a hoax.

The Scots are known for their dry wit and sarcastic sense of humour, so it should be no surprise that they have embraced April Fools’ Day with great relish, so much so that many extend it to the 2nd of April, too. The 1st is the Hunt the Gowk (cuckoo) day when people like to play tricks on each other. In particular, these humorous Scots enjoy sending their friends on a fool’s errand. Examples include asking someone to deliver a sealed message asking for help, the contents of which instruct the recipient to pass it along and continue the chain. On the second day, they stick signs to people’s backs, leading them to kick the person.

Although April Fools’ Day has been celebrated in the West since the Middle Ages, it is interesting to note that the Persians have been marking the occasion since at least 536 BC, with pranks and practical jokes being part of the fun. The Persians have always seen April 1st as the start of the New Year, and still do, and it is common to spend the day in the open air, celebrating the new year and indulging in food, laughter, and good-natured jokes. After their picnic, Iranians worldwide throw away vegetables, representing any potential illnesses or bad luck for the coming year.

We hope you have found this guide to how different countries and cultures celebrate April Fool’s Day as fascinating as we did. If you enjoy a diversity of cultures, we find the best way to learn more about them is to meet with people from these cultures, particularly charming escorts who will go out of their way to help you discover more. With more international ladies than any other escort agency in London, 24-hour Companions should be your first choice when seeking beautiful, cultured female companionship in the capital.