Sexy September Senorita


This month, why not treat yourself to one of our exceptional, passionate, amiable young escorts and discover why 24-hour Companions is the talk of the town?

Our escort of the moment is the gorgeous Carina. She’s a beautiful young Spanish escort, and if you like a girl who’s truly gifted in the bust department, she’s the one for you. She’s sweet and friendly and always very accommodating, and her big brown eyes, gentle nature, and naughty mind make her the perfect choice for anyone needing a bit of stress relief. Carina is one of our most popular busty escorts, and with her soft, tanned skin, big brown eyes and gorgeous looks, she doesn’t disappoint.

With breasts ranging from a modest handful, such as a C cup, to lovely soft pillows of a G cup! Whatever your taste is, we will have a busty London escort girl to fit the description. If you consider yourself a breast man, our London 24/7 Escorts suit you. Browsing through our escort profiles, you’ll feel like a kid in a candy store. Big-breasted escorts are one of the most popular types, and you’ll find all of our specially gifted young ladies in our busty escorts gallery, so please feel free to browse away.

Sexy September Senorita - 24hr Companions London Escort Blog