A duo experience


Most 24-hour companion escorts see clients alone, but occasionally, a client may request a meeting with two escorts. Perhaps he’s in the city on business with a colleague, and they’re seeking female companions to make their evening more enjoyable.

Perhaps he’s just looking to experience the pleasure of being in the company of duo escorts.

Our duo escorts always enjoy meeting up with clients together with another of the agency’s escorts. One, it usually means that they’re in for a fun time as a foursome. Being in the company of other staff automatically helps our ladies to relax and helps to get the evening off to a great start. Of course, this works similarly for the guys, too; they tend to be more confident when together.

The conversation tends to flow more freely when there are four to keep it going, and it’s always easier to find topics to discuss. The conversation tends to be more flirtatious, and the conversation moves onto sexual issues more quickly than it would in a solo situation. Whether you’re enjoying a delicious meal in a top-class restaurant or partying in one of the famous nightclubs, a foursome can make a tremendous change to a night out for most escorts in London.

Conversely, if one of our ladies is booked to meet a single guy as one half of an escort duo, the girls often find themselves taking the lead, even when they’re meeting with a very confident man.

There’s just something about two women together which increases self-confidence and makes them more dominant. A threesome dynamic increases the sexual tension between all of you, and it can be fun to see who will come out on top.

Of course, if you’re lucky enough to meet with two gorgeous ladies, you should never forget that it’s always best to treat both escorts the same. Even if you prefer one guard, you should always try to give both girls the same attention.

If you’ve been thinking of indulging yourself, booking one of our duos could be just what you need.

A flawless service


Being the capital city of England and one of the busiest and multi-cultural places in the world, London School is the perfect place to lose yourself in a new experience. But why come all that way (if you are visiting from overseas) to do it alone? Surely it should be in the company of a sophisticated, talented and clever young woman? A woman whose beauty is only outmatched by her charm?

24-hour Companions are sought by men who know what they want but are too busy to maintain it permanently. They want elegance, poise and wit in a companion and the best way to get it is through an established agency. Escorts such as these work and reside in the luxurious and prestigious districts of the capital. They often take residence there for private in-calls and know the hotels intimately if their companion desires. The client’s pleasure is their priority in a professional and discreet capacity.

Our team of friendly British receptionists are always friendly and polite and will make booking your experience more enjoyable; they can guide and determine which escort would be most suited to your particular requirements.

We have many satisfied regular clients who only use us and are happy with our flawless service. Of course, mistakes can be made, but we, as an honest Agency, always endeavour to put mistakes right. Our ladies, you will find, are second to none, and you can read our fabulous reviews to make the right choice the first time.

24-hour Companions escort agency offers this discreet service 24 a day, Monday to Sunday, with international travel if desired, from cheap escorts in London to expensive. By calling us, you can arrange the particulars of your date with our receptionist and ensure your experience is unforgettable.

Take a break


It is, of course, natural at times to dream of jetting off somewhere hot and sunny overseas when the weather gets a little warmer in London. The Red Sea, maybe, or perhaps even the Caribbean. That would certainly be nice. But let’s face it; it probably wasn’t that long ago since you took your last holiday, and you might still be paying the cost of that off your credit card now.

However, all is not lost. Whilst you may well prefer to be in St Lucia instead of London, there are things you can do to improve your outlook. Indeed, the old saying “Happiness is not a place, it is a state of mind” can be very apt at this time of year as it can help you to realise that it is, in fact, possible to be happy right where you are.

You will, however, find happiness in the arms of one of our 247 escorts right here in London. After all, getting a nice, friendly hug or cosying down with someone warm and cuddly feels so much better. So, rather than jetting off somewhere warm, all you need to do is find someone good at giving nice, friendly hugs or loves nothing more than being all snug and cosy.

Fortunately for you, we here at 24hr Companions know one or two ladies (around 100 or so, in fact) who fit the bill perfectly.

Indeed, our girls are amongst the most huggable escorts in London; therefore, you can be sure that happiness will not be an issue when you arrange a date with one of them.

So why dream of flying abroad when true happiness is only a phone call away?

Okay; if we still haven’t convinced you and the travel bug has got you, and you would like somebody to travel with (maybe a female), your answer is right here. Our beautiful ladies love to travel, especially with a well-travelled gentleman like yourself; 24 hours ‘ notice is all they need, and they will be packed, waxed and beautified, ready for your adventure ahead.