A duo experience


Most 24-hour companion escorts see clients alone, but occasionally, a client may request a meeting with two escorts. Perhaps he’s in the city on business with a colleague, and they’re seeking female companions to make their evening more enjoyable.

Perhaps he’s just looking to experience the pleasure of being in the company of duo escorts.

Our duo escorts always enjoy meeting up with clients together with another of the agency’s escorts. One, it usually means that they’re in for a fun time as a foursome. Being in the company of other staff automatically helps our ladies to relax and helps to get the evening off to a great start. Of course, this works similarly for the guys, too; they tend to be more confident when together.

The conversation tends to flow more freely when there are four to keep it going, and it’s always easier to find topics to discuss. The conversation tends to be more flirtatious, and the conversation moves onto sexual issues more quickly than it would in a solo situation. Whether you’re enjoying a delicious meal in a top-class restaurant or partying in one of the famous nightclubs, a foursome can make a tremendous change to a night out for most escorts in London.

Conversely, if one of our ladies is booked to meet a single guy as one half of an escort duo, the girls often find themselves taking the lead, even when they’re meeting with a very confident man.

There’s just something about two women together which increases self-confidence and makes them more dominant. A threesome dynamic increases the sexual tension between all of you, and it can be fun to see who will come out on top.

Of course, if you’re lucky enough to meet with two gorgeous ladies, you should never forget that it’s always best to treat both escorts the same. Even if you prefer one guard, you should always try to give both girls the same attention.

If you’ve been thinking of indulging yourself, booking one of our duos could be just what you need.

Thinking about Christmas?


Not all the girls will be available over Christmas, of course, but several new faces will be, and several 24-hour Companions plan to come to London in December. Feast your eyes on these girls and make your booking as early as you can to avoid disappointment. Some of our ladies don’t stay around very long, and unless you want to book them from somewhere else in the world and stump up a hefty bill in travel expenses, a little advance organisation is a good idea!

Check out Crystal, one of our Piccadilly Escorts. Who wouldn’t want this stunning escort for Christmas? So you can give yourself a nice early Christmas present! Don’t ever let it be said that 24-hour Companions don’t have a festive spirit!

Brandy is another of our ladies available if you’re in London; you might as well make a booking. She’s one of our Lancaster Gate escorts, and you know she will be as sexy as hell!

How about Fryda as an early naughty Christmas present? Now, wouldn’t that be a fine thing? She’s a fantastic dominatrix with an excellent reputation for perfwell. The same can be said about her escorting services, of course (we wouldn’t represent her otherwise!). Her shape is attributed to her Latino origins, and you can bet your life that this Portuguese escort will show you a little of that well-known passion! She’ll be in London in December, so book a date on the town with this 24-hour companion!

Where to take your overnight companion


At the top of the list is the fabled dinner date! All females love to be taken out for dinner, of course, and you’d be surprised at how often this happens. There is a school of thought out there that believes this rarely happens and that men go and visit escorts in their apartments or have them come to their hotel. It’s simply not true, and we know what we’re talking about.

We have bookings where our ladies meet their clients at a restaurant or the bar in the restaurant. We also have clients who book to meet in their hotel lobby before going elsewhere to dinner and returning to the hotel. This looks much more natural for many clients and less evident than having a beautiful girl visit your room and leave a couple of hours later.

Going to a show in the West End is a lovely idea for a date. You’ll find that all escorts, no matter their nationality, all love the thrill of a show. And they also love to go with a perfect gentleman. So you see, there’s just as much to enjoyment had by the girl you book as by you in many respects. If you plan to do this, however, do make sure that your date has everything she needs in terms of refreshments, food, etc. It’s your choice where you want to spend your time with your chosen girl, but you can hardly expect her to pay her own money when she’s out on a booking.

Finally, some fine gentlemen go “the whole 9 yards,” so to speak. You’ll have drinks, a show, dinner and more! Now, this is arguably because you’re pretty wealthy and can afford it, but sometimes it’s just that you’ve saved your money for a long time to get a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Either way, it makes no difference to us, of course, but we’d like to take a moment here to commend those of you who do put cash aside for an evening of wonders with our overnight escorts. It shows dedication and a genuine belief that you deserve this treatment. And a treat it certainly is!

Book a companion plus 1


Let’s face it, gentlemen, you could go to the party alone and take the chance to find someone in the club to share your evening. There’ll probably be lots of good-looking girls looking for fun, too. But you’ll be in competition with the other guys, and even if you manage to engage someone in conversation, you’ll still have to buy the drinks, and there’s no guarantee of any extracurricular fun. On the other hand, if you book one of our gorgeous escorts, you’ll be guaranteed an attentive companion who’ll treat you like you’re a celebrity (even if you’re not) and who’ll be up for fun both during the party and afterwards too.

You’ve been invited to the opening of one of the classiest clubs in town, and you don’t want to go alone, so why not book one of our naughty party girls to accompany you? They’ll ensure your evening is far more fun than if you attended alone, and they’ll give you some extra kudos as you turn up at the door with a gorgeous girl on your arm. Just imagine all those envious stares and all those covetous glances- and the best thing? Nobody will ever know that you’re paying your companion for their time.

As you can expect from an agency such as ours, all our party girls are not only stunning to look at, but they have a fun-loving attitude, which makes them the perfect partners for a good night out. They know how to dress to impress, they know all the best clubs and bars, and they know how to have a good time. They’ll not only be great company, but they’ll lift your evening from the ordinary to the extraordinary, whether you’re a party animal yourself and love to hit the dance floor or you’re a little more reserved and want to spend an enjoyable evening with a lively, entertaining partner.

Our overnight escorts know precisely how to ensure you have the best experience possible, both in public and behind closed doors, so you can be sure that the party won’t end just because the club has completed. Of course, any further services other than accompanying you to the party are at each escort’s discretion. Still, we’re sure you’ll find them very amenable and enthusiastic and happy to help you finish your night with a bang!

Get down and party all night


Party girls like to “get down,” so to speak. These overnight escorts are up for anything. It’s not all about spending the entire time in clubs or parties in London with these party girls, however, even though we’re sure they would make it a night to remember.

So at 24hr Companions party girls are always available to you at you desired time. Our 247 escorts are stunning and hot at different points. If you think you can’t spend time with them, then please think again because they are waiting for you to call and book time with them at any moment.

Despite being excellent dancers and superb hostesses when you take them out and about to meet your friends and business colleagues, there is much more to the word “party” than first meets the eye. It doesn’t necessarily mean they always like going to parties; put it that way, though.

If you consider the term “party girls” more as a phrase that means the girls are open to new ideas and love to live life to the fullest, then you’re more likely to understand what we’re talking about. London is their playground, and life’s a party worth living for these girls.

Few women in the city enjoy their jobs as much as an escort does; they love their escorting career, and they love to meet new people from all walks of life. These women are known to be identical party girls.

There is no reason to feel alone in London or other European countries. If you stop for a second and consider there are girls like this dotted all over central London in their apartments, just waiting for you to pop around, and they’re dying to make you happy, you should begin to smile immediately.

You can visit any of these party girls in London at their incall or outcall locations, or most will be happy to provide a visiting service to join you in your comfort zone.