Escorts to suit every budget


The demand for cheap escorts is quite massive. Clients can include London residents, those who work in London, weekend day trippers and international travellers. Imagine how many people this is and then think again about whether or not escorts in London are causing a problem or contributing to a solution. It’s a simple case of supply and demand. All these ladies in London have enough work to give them a good living, so there’s testament to the fact there is enough work to go around.

Indeed, the more escorts we have in the city, the better the choice, right? We recognise that the division of labour in the UK has been significantly affected by an influx of immigrant workers. Still, the escort industry is not like this at all. There is always room for more beautiful girls, and no one is losing their jobs! There are more and more escort agencies on the scene since the addition of so many more European girls, and this means more choices for the client.

Escorts are sultry and inviting, and virtually all of them have an excellent command of the English language and culture in general. A date with a beautiful lady is entirely possible. You can take these girls anywhere, and they won’t let you down, whether they’re business lunches/dinners, social gatherings, or simply an intimate dinner for two. You will always find the conversation stimulating simply because these girls have a lot of experience and a competitive price; what are you waiting for?

We know you won’t forget


24-hour Companions will make your trip to London unforgettable, and that’s saying something! If you’re going to spend any time in London on a weekend break or something similar, or perhaps even on business, then do yourself a favour by sharing it with one of our 24hr escorts.

Many ladies don’t do this enough and enjoy going out and having dinner with a client. Visiting hotel rooms can sometimes be boring if the monotony isn’t broken occasionally. In a city like London, there is no need for an escort, or indeed you, to be bored for a second.

London is such a vibrant city with loads to do; whether seeing the sights and perhaps having a trip on the London Eye or spending an evening out in London watching a great show, having a gorgeous model on your arm is a beautiful addition.

Of course, it’s not all about going out and about. You may have enough time in the city to warrant a relaxation day in your hotel. Well, if this is the case, why not book an escort to spend a couple of hours or more with you? It’s not all about dinner and dancing with these girls, you see, they like to stay in too. Most of our ladies are very appreciative of the opportunity to spend an intimate evening with a nice bottle of wine in a comfortable hotel room

Some of our ladies have some pretty excellent massage skills, and if you ask them nicely, they might give those tired and stressed shoulders of yours a quick rub to loosen things up. There is no better way to relax in your hotel room than spending quality time with a professional escort who will make it her entire focus to relax you!

See the sights


The West End area draws in millions of visitors yearly, so where to go with your escorts boils down to your interests. Art lovers cannot miss the National Portrait Gallery at St Martin’s Place, which houses portraits of British royals and luminaries spanning 600 years; the exquisite society portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds and Whistler are all here. For British fashion and beautiful printed scarves, Liberty’s on Regent Street is a must. The Tudor-style architecture which houses this department store and the refined arrangements are worth the visit alone.

Soho is an incredibly well-connected and exciting area of London. There are bars, upmarket clubs, ethnic eateries, eclectic boutiques, adult entertainment venues, world-class museums, high-end shops and restaurants here, so the most challenging thing about visiting Soho is deciding what to do! London escorts can recommend some of the gems in the area, and at any rate, you will have a lovely time with these attentive and intuitive companions.

Clients adore the company of escort because their location and availability are incredibly convenient if they are staying in Central London or the West End. The trendy hotels around Soho are particularly popular with clients who want to live in the whirlwind of activity in one of London’s busiest areas and, of course, enjoy all that Soho has to offer. The adventurous nature and stamina of 24/7 escorts in London are ideally suited to clients looking for the most exciting night of their lives!